German Speaking Customer Relations Manager

Latvia, Riga | Customer Relations

As Customer Relations Manager, you’ll be responsible for building and strengthening relationships with the TWINO investor community across Europe. You’ll help them navigate our platform and introduce them to our products and features by delivering meaningful and excellent user experience.

Your responsibilities
  • Address any investor inquiries (e-mails, calls, chat) and ensure customer service-related issues are settled efficiently and proactively and questions are answered professionally in a timely manner
  • Prepare relevant information for the investors and ensure the delivery process
  • Investor payment processing and monitoring according to internal anti-money laundering procedures and applicable regulatory enactments
  • Analyze communication trends, identify fields of improvement, and present solutions
  • Lead, guide, and support Customer Relations Specialists
  • Cooperate with the IT & product team by identifying and documenting issues and requests from investors as well as being involved in new product and feature development
  • Process investor feedback and make data-driven suggestions for improving customer service, product, and processes
  • Maintain and update website content
  • Report key indicators and other required data to the company’s management team
  • Ensure communication and maintenance of relations with industry bloggers and influencers
  • Contribute to all matters related to the platform’s changes, improvements, and additions to make sure they are developed with the best investor experience and the platform’s usability in mind
  • German translating, proofreading & editing
What we are looking for
  • Proven previous experience as a Senior Customer Service and/or Investor Relations Specialist
  • Experience in AML/KYC related customer service tasks
  • Good sales, persuasion, and argumentation skills
  • Understanding of an excellent service culture
  • The ability to take full ownership of the processes and tasks
  • Great communication and networking skills
  • Stress resistance and flexibility
  • Excellent spoken and written English and German language skills
  • Experience with communication with bloggers and marketing communication material preparation would be an advantage
  • Industry experience would be an advantage

At TWINO it is not about entitlement, it is about impact. A good idea never goes unnoticed, and you can truly make a difference. We offer you meaningful responsibility from day one. We encourage an open feedback culture and team effort. If you show dedication, drive, and ownership, your learning curve will be steep, and your career opportunities with TWINO – immense.

The salary range for this position varies from 2000-2400 EUR gross depending on the skill set, experience, and other competencies.

For more information reach out to the Head of People & Communications

Monta Zaķe-Laganovska

[email protected]

Visit LinkedIn

Apply until 15.12.2023

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Darbs + atpūta

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Bērnu diena un dāvanas

Mēs mīlam pārsteigt jaunākos TWINO ģimenes locekļus – Ziemassvētku dāvanas, speciāli izgatavoti spēļu komplekti vai Bērnu diena ir TWINO veids, kā iepriecināt mūsu bērnus

Pats savas attīstības noteicējs

Mēs dodam lielu brīvību, kad runa ir par jūsu personīgo attīstību. Jums ir piekļuve individuālam no algas aprēķinātam gada attīstības budžetam, ko varat tērēt sevis izvēlētiem attīstības pasākumiem. Vai tas būtu iedvesmojošas konferences vai privātas mentoringa sesijas - tas viss ir atkarīgs no jums

Growth Camp apmācības

Mēs dodam iespēju saviem cilvēkiem iegūt jaunas prasmes un augt profesionāli. Mūsu unikālā apmācību programma “Growth Camp” ļauj paplašināt redzesloku, izmantojot saistošas, interaktīvas un mērķtiecīgas mācību sesijas un seminārus par dažādām tēmām

Sociālā programma

Mums ir ikgadējs vasaras komandas saliedēšanas pasākums, ziemā dodamies iekarot slēpošanas trases, un rīkojam grandiozu Ziemassvētku ballīti! Pasākumi, notikumi, tradīcijas un svinības saglabā dzīvi TWINO aizraujošu. Vienmēr kaut kas notiek

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