Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist
Latvia, Riga | Legal
As a Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, you will oversee compliance across TWINO's investment firm operations, ensuring adherence to financial regulations and collaborating with internal stakeholders to implement compliance measures and risk mitigation strategies.
Your responsibilities
- Understand the company’s operations, products, and services from the perspective of applicable regulations and internal documents
- Stay up-to-date with relevant financial and investment services regulations, directives, and guidelines
- Identify and analyze regulatory changes and assess their impact on the company’s operations, products, services, and compliance frameworks
- Plan and control impact assessments of changes to regulatory requirements
- Work on the implementation of measures to ensure compliance with the new regulatory requirements together with other responsible stakeholders
- Develop and maintain risk & compliance policies and procedures together with the Risk function, aligning with local and EU regulatory requirements and industry best practices
- Together with the Risk function, conduct risk assessments across the organization to identify regulatory compliance risks
- Develop and implement a compliance monitoring system and risk mitigation strategies and controls
- Review and, together with other functions, submit regulatory reports to relevant authorities (Latvijas Banka and others), ensuring accuracy and timeliness
- Coordinate responses to regulatory inquiries, facilitating regulatory inspections and audits
- Provide regulatory compliance training and guidance to relevant stakeholders within the company
- Collaborate with internal stakeholders, including legal, finance, AML, risk management, and operations teams, to ensure alignment of compliance efforts with business objectives
- Foster a culture of regulatory compliance awareness and ethical conduct throughout the organization
- Build and maintain constructive relationships with regulatory authorities and industry peers
What we are looking for
- University graduate in Law, Economics, Business, or a related area with at least 3 years of experience in the regulatory compliance function in an investment firm or other regulated financial institution in Latvia; prior experience in fintech will be a plus
- Curiosity and excellent knowledge of Latvian as well as EU regulatory requirements applicable to financial institutions; knowledge of regulations relevant to investment firms would be considered an advantage
- Familiarity with regulatory frameworks described in MiFID II, Financial Instrument Market Law of Latvia, and Law on Investment Firms of Latvia
- Broad-spectrum knowledge of the financial sector, services, and products
- Strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities, with a focus on risk-based compliance management
- Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex regulatory requirements and assess their operational impact
- Comfortable in a fast-paced environment with the ability to work and prioritize tasks independently
- High sense of responsibility
- Ability to act quickly and adapt to unforeseen circumstances or new developments
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Experience in communication with financial services regulator would be considered an advantage
- Excellent spoken and written Latvian and English
At TWINO it is not about entitlement, it is about impact. A good idea never goes unnoticed, and you can truly make a difference. We offer you meaningful responsibility from day one. We encourage an open feedback culture and team effort. If you show dedication, drive, and ownership, your learning curve will be steep, and your career opportunities with TWINO – immense.
The salary range for this position starts from 3200-4000 EUR gross and depends on the skill set, experience, and other competencies.
For more information reach out to the Head of People & Communications
Monta Zaķe-Laganovska
Apply until 30.11.2024.
Apply nowKāpēc #lifeatTWINO
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Bērnu diena un dāvanas
Mēs mīlam pārsteigt jaunākos TWINO ģimenes locekļus – Ziemassvētku dāvanas, speciāli izgatavoti spēļu komplekti vai Bērnu diena ir TWINO veids, kā iepriecināt mūsu bērnus
Pats savas attīstības noteicējs
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Growth Camp apmācības
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Sociālā programma
Mums ir ikgadējs vasaras komandas saliedēšanas pasākums, ziemā dodamies iekarot slēpošanas trases, un rīkojam grandiozu Ziemassvētku ballīti! Pasākumi, notikumi, tradīcijas un svinības saglabā dzīvi TWINO aizraujošu. Vienmēr kaut kas notiek